Story archive for the Magnificent Seven alternate universe, Little Britches.
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Archivist's notes:

When S Berry and JK Poffenberger opened the Little Britches playground to other writers in May of 2001 as creators of the universe they did so with very few restrictions:

1) Vin and or JD were not to be permanently removed from Chris or Buck's care

2) It is to be a Gen only universe. No slash. No Adult. (See below)

3) A copy of the stories were to be sent to them to archive at their website. (This was to be done so that all LB stories were easy to find in one location).

This Little Britches Archive was created when schooling and other real life commitments prevented S. Berry from being able to maintain the original site. The intention of this site is to follow through with S. Berry and JK Poffenberger's desire to have a "central location" for all Little Britches fic so that readers can find the stories with ease.

Stories with adult content, with slash content, or where JD or Vin are permanently removed from Chris or Buck's care, by definition are not Little Britches and are not archived here.

The following is the text from the creators' website ( is no longer in existence):

Two little boys, orphaned and homeless, travel west to meet their destiny. Join five-year-old J.D. Dunne and seven-year-old Vin Tanner on their many adventures. Read the historic tales of five cowboys and two little half-pints and how they come together to form the Magnificent Seven.

As the creators of the Little Britches alternate universe, Kathy and I are pleased with the response that it has received. After much thought and deliberation, we have decided to open the universe so that others may enjoy it as well. Our only stipulation is that if you write a LB tale, a copy of the text file goes up here on the main Little Britches index. Authors retain rights to post the stories where they will, but one copy needs to be archived here. Other than that, we offer no restrictions. (An exception to this would be the authorship of adult stories. This is a series written for general audiences. Please keep that in mind.)

Thank you for your consideration. K. Poffenberger and S. Berry

For a short time in September of 2003, during a discussion of non-explicit slash qualifying as LB, the above text was modified by S. Berry and K. Poffenberger as follows (the underscore was not on the site, it is simply for ease of locating the changes):

As the creators of the Little Britches alternate universe, Kathy and I are pleased with the response that it has received. After much thought and deliberation, we have decided to open the universe so that others may enjoy it as well. Our only stipulation is that if you write a LB tale, a copy of the text file goes up here on the main Little Britches index. Authors retain rights to post the stories where they will, but one copy needs to be archived here. Other than that, we offer no restrictions. (An exception to this would be the authorship of adult stories - for clarification, since it seems to be needed - our definition of adult includes ANY and ALL slash fiction, no matter the rating. This is a series written for general audiences. Please keep that in mind.)

Thank you for your consideration. K. Poffenberger and S. Berry

It is with these statements in mind as well as private emails with the Little Britches creators that the above interpretation of no slash, no adult has been established. Authors are always free to write whatever they desire but for the purposes of this archive stories with adult or slash content will be interpreted as something other than Little Britches and will not be archived here.