Disclaimer: Not mine and no money is being made.
Genre: ATF - Thanks goes out to Mog for creating such a wonderful world and allowing us to play in it!
Notes: This is the story that was submitted in 'My Seducer II', a Magnificent 7 Zine created by Lumina
The two bodies stumbled into the townhouse, absently the door was pushed closed and locked. Normally nimble fingers fumbled with buttons and zippers, while shirts were tugged free as both sank to their knees as the sought a closeness as old as time. A wince was heard as a tie was tightened instead of loosened, momentarily halting their lust.
"Wait," Ezra uttered in a raspy voice. "Wait."
"Did I hurt ya?" Regret could clearly be heard in Vin's husky question.
"No." Ezra ran a loving hand down the side of Vin's handsome face before wrapping it around his neck, pulling him closer and capturing his lips for a slow bewitching kiss.
Vin pressed closer and slipped his hands inside Ezra's shirt, touching warm and hard flesh. Never content to stay in one place, the hands began to wonder, caressing and stroking all in their path; dips . . . curves . . . indents causing muscles to quiver. Until once again they came into contact with a narrow strip of silk preventing the removal of the white dress shirt Ezra wore.
"Damn this tie," Vin muttered against Ezra's lips as his fingers again failed in their task. "I'm sorry, but I think it's stuck. Didn't mean to hurt ya . . ." The entire sentence was anxiously whispered into Ezra's ear.
"Wait," Ezra panted, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head at the pleasure/pain suction applied to the juncture where his shoulder and neck met. "I . . . I th..ought we were gonna talk . . ."
"Later," Vin all but pleaded. The taste of Ezra was even more heady than he thought it would be and now that he gotten a sample he wanted more. Oh so much more.
With a heart felt sigh Ezra wrenched himself away from Vin and quickly got to his feet, deciding that one of them had to be the voice of reason. "We need to talk . . . about this . . . about us." Ezra licked his lips and had to groan at the lingering favor of Vin on his lips. "You taste even better than I dreamed," he breathed, then gave a slight start at finding Vin was suddenly in front of him.
"Taste me. Mark me. Claim me," Vin begged, wanting to do the same. "But you gotta take that damned tie off first."
"Vin . . ." he paused to swallow. "I . . . I think we need to set a few ground rules . . ."
"Take it off, Ez."
"The tie. Take. It. Off," Vin insisted, following his Ezra as the man took a step back. "And if you hadn't a touched me in the doorway . . ."
Ezra removed his tie letting it fall to the floor, then unbuttoned his cuffs allowing the shirt to slip from his shoulders, arms, and hands to pool at his feet. "You touched me . . ."
"Can I touch you," Vin implored, needing to touch and taste all that was in front of him.
"I . . . I can't . . ."
"I . . . I can't touch you?" The mere thought of not being allowed to caress all that flesh brought tears to his eyes.
"No . . ." Ezra shook his head, "I mean yes. What I meant or tried to say was that I can't think with you so close."
"Don't scare me like that again," Vin sighed. "You must really want me if I'm interrupting your train of thought," he lightly teased.
"I do and that's why we need to talk," he stated once again. "I . . . I have all these th..oughts and em..motions swirling around inside of me. And fears."
That whispered part made Vin's heart jerk. "Ezra . . ."
"You are my best friend. Hell, you, Josiah, Buck, Nathan, and JD are my only friends . . ."
"What about Chris?"
"What about him?"
"He's your friend too," Vin insisted.
Ezra waved a hand at that then continued, "I've finally come to accept that you, each of you, will be there for me. That you won't turn your back on me . . ."
"This won't change that," Vin vowed. "Even if the others didn't approve, which they do - each of them, of this . . . of us, then we'd still have each other. Nothing or no one will change that Ezra." He raised one hand, palm facing out and smiled as Ezra did the same. Their fingers twined and held tight. "You're not the only one afraid. I keep thinking that you're g..gonna wake up and not w..want me anymore."
"Vin . . ."
"It's an ungrounded fear, but it there. Just like yours, but together . . ."
"We can over come them. You hold me . . ."
"And I'll hold you," Vin pledged. "As much as I wanted . . . still want," he gave Ezra a pointed look, "to skip all this talking I'm glad we didn't."
Ezra smiled and ran his thumb along the back of Vin's hand and said, "There are just a couple of more things then we can get back to what we were doing earlier."
"Are you sure it can't wait?" he had to ask as he moved closer. "Just a little while longer. Or," he shrugged, "until late tomorrow morning."
Ezra couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of him at the hopeful look on Vin's face. "I just wanted you to know that I'm not into all that touchy . . . feelly shit."
Vin laughed and closed the distance between them. "Well don't expect me to tell you I love you very often. I may scream it in the middle of love making, but . . ." he left the statement hanging.
"I like my space and the left side of the bed. So don't expect a lot of cuddles . . ."
"I like my space as well, so I don't need a lot of cuddles," Vin grinned at him. "And I can sleep anywhere."
"Good," Ezra nodded. "'Course during the bitterly cold winters cuddles . . ."
"And touches?"
"And touches are a necessity. As are words of endearment; such as I love you," Ezra declared, looking Vin in the eye. "I want you. And I need you."
Vin smiled and felt his pulse increase at those words. "Maybe those three little words won't be so hard to say after all. Might be that I can say them with my clothes on."
"Maybe we should practice," Ezra suggested with a wicked glint in his eyes as he removed Vin's all ready unbuttoned shirt. "I want you," he sighed, trailing one finger down the center of his Texan's chest coming to rest at the waist of Vin's jeans and working the button free.
"I need you," Vin whispered, moving the spanned tips of his fingers across Ezra's chest before sinking into the waistband of Ezra's slacks.
"I love you." The words were moaned into the each other's mouth. Trembling bodies pressed together as a tender, but intense kiss was shared. It was a kiss so deep that their hearts and souls merged, making them one.
Epilog ~ Six Months Later
The hot July sun shone brightly onto the couple snuggled together on the hammock in the backyard.
"Have I told you today that I love you?" a contented Texas accented voice lazily inquired.
"At least twice," came a equally satisfied Southern accented reply, as the owner of the voice cuddled deeper.
The couple drifted to sleep secure in a soul deep knowledge that they were well and truly loved and that all was right in their world.
The End