Not mine. Only done for the fun of it. If I was making money I'd write more often!
Notes: In this story same sex relationships are not frowned upon by society and are in fact acceptable.
Comments: Ezra's been whispering in my ear that maybe I should write a 'comfort' fic for Vin since I was kinda mean to him in my last story 'Will You Be Mine?'. So seeing as I have plans for them both ... I thought I'd better listen to the man's advice. Hope you enjoy it!
With a tired sigh Vin stepped from his truck and slowly made his way into the building even though he wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed . . . no. No, he didn't want to go to bed. At least not alone. He was tired of sleeping alone. He'd slept alone most of his life and liked it that way. Or so he thought. Of course, that was before a certain green-eyed man with a voice like warm gooey chocolate came into his life two years ago. Since then he's slept snuggled against a warm hard body.
No, Vin was tired of tossing and turning. Tired of searching for a warmth that just wasn't to be found. He needed his lover. He needed Ezra. Who was at a conference in Dallas. He missed that man something awful. More than he thought was possible. Was in fact, lost without the one true light in his otherwise bleak existence. Vin had to smile at that, because that sounded like something Ezra would say. He frowned because he seemed to remember his lover saying exactly that at some point. Vin also, knew that he wouldn't be in this current mess if Ezra were home where he belonged. No, he thought with a shake of his head, that's not right. This whole thing was his fault. Not Ezra's.
After signing in, he made a little small talk with the receptionist then moved toward the elevators where a small crowd had gathered waiting for the doors to open. The sight of the crowd had Vin praying that both doors opened at the same time because he had no desire to be crammed inside that moving sardine can. He tensed as he heard only one elevator ding.
'Face your fears,' a familiar voice in his head said.
'Shut up, Yoda,' he silently replied.
'Go on, you can do it,' the voice persisted.
'No.' He stubbornly refused.
'For me?'
Vin silently groaned. 'Fine!' he thought. 'For you. Only . . . for you.'
Now resigned to his fate and given the fact that he was already running a tad bit late he decided against waiting for the other elevator. If he had to share the damn thing with half of Denver then by damned, he was gonna stand next to the doors. No way was he going to be pushed to the back where he wouldn't be able to breathe and suffocate for before the doors opened.
When he reached his floor he nearly fell out of the elevator in relief. After straightening his jacket Vin tugged on his too tight collar and made his way down the all to familiar hallway. Too the equally familiar office of his boss. Orrin Travis.
Being called to Travis's office made him feel like he was back in school and was being sent to the principal's office. Hell, by the time he'd graduated him and the principal were practically on a first name bases.
Vin stepped up to Gloria's desk, Travis's receptionist, but before he could say anything she told him that the judge was on the phone and to please have a seat.
Flopping down on one of the most uncomfortable chairs ever to be made he thought about what had lead him here.
With a snort and a rueful shake of his head, Vin already knew what. That damned jerk Warren Andrews. The stupid asshole was always running his mouth. Making comments about him and Ezra. They ignored him for the most part, but with his lover gone the comments hit a little too close to home and he was unable to maintain his control. And snapped. He wound up waylaying that bastard across the Jag. One hit and the bastard was out cold, spoiling all his fun. Who would have thought, the stupid little shit had a glass jaw. If that wasn't bad enough once Andrews's came too, he filed a report on him.
Which is why he was here. And why he would probably be suspended.
None of it was his fault, he sighed. He just wasn't able to exist without Ezra for long periods of time. And two weeks without him . . . was two weeks too long. Thankfully Ezra was coming home tonight. It was only their nightly talks that kept him as sane as he was and helped him to survive the cold lonely nights alone.
Ezra told him he had nothing to worry about. That he didn't think Travis would suspend him since it was his first offense. His lover was usually right about these things, but given all the crap the two of them got in to . . . he just wasn't sure that Travis wouldn't make an example out of him.
He smiled as a picture of Ezra appeared in his mind. Their attraction for each other had ignited upon first sight and had quickly grown. Nearly overwhelming them. Resistance was futile. With just one touch they were all over each other and had been going strong ever since. He thanked God he had this man in his life. And the way each accepted the other as is. Vin was also, thankful that their relationship had developed in spite of them being inside the same circle of friends. Him and Ezra knew first hand what the other went through and knew the importance of bonding, solitude, . . . and space. So there was no judgement or lack of understanding on either side. They were each other's port during the stormy times. And the other's light that guided them from the darkness and allowed them the freedom their souls desired.
Hearing his name, he looked up then got to his feet, it was time to face the music.
With a heart felt sigh Vin leaned against the closed door and shut his eyes. Finally he was home. After Travis finished reading him the riot act, he made note of the reprimand in Vin's file and told him to get back to work. And not the let it happen again. All he wanted to do after leaving Travis's office was go home, but knew he couldn't. So reluctantly Vin returned to Team Seven's office and attempted to get some work done. He hadn't succeeded, but at least he tried.
His eyes popped opened as he felt warm air caress his jaw. He smiled as he saw his lover standing in front of him.
"Hey you," Ezra whispered.
"Are you real?" he asked in the same hushed tone.
"Touch me and see."
Raising a hand, he did just that, Vin felt heat spread throughout his body as he trailed his fingers down Ezra's smooth cheek.
"Come here," Ezra told him in a husky voice.
Vin pushed away from the door and closer to Ezra then trembled as he felt hands skim up his hips, rest briefly on his waist before traveling sensually up his back. He gasped and buried his face in his lover's neck as those strong yet gentle arms wrapped around him. "Oh, God, I . . . missed you, Ezra. So much," he mumbled around the lump in his throat.
This is what he needed . . . this man's arms holding him close. This man to lean on. This man's love. This man's strength too shore up his own will to carry on.
Together they were stronger and could withstand any force. Together he knew that they could sustain any storm.
"Are you all right?" Ezra asked.
Not trusting his voice Vin just nodded and relaxed as those arms tightened around him.
He knew this man would be there for him no matter what. Knew he could turn to Ezra for anything . . . everything.
"I love you," the words were breathed into his ear, making him shiver. His head fell back and he laughed as he was suddenly swept up in those same arms and being cradled close.
"I love you, too, Ezra," Vin said, then began to giggle as he was spun around in a fast twirl. "Don't you dare drop me!" he laughed as his slightly dizzy lover carried him into their room.
Wiggling his eyebrows at him Ezra said, "Drop you I might." Which he did, onto their bed. "But I'll never let you fall."
Vin grinned as Ezra began tugging at his boots. "You do you and I'll do me . . ."
"Oooh that sounds naughty," Ezra teased with a laugh, causing Vin to blush.
"I meant undress!"
"Of course, you did!"
Vin shook his head as they now stood naked before each other. He ducked his head, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "Ezra would, . . . would you mind if we . . . just held each other for a while?"
"No, Vin, I don't mind at all," Ezra told him and gently cupped his cheek.
He watched as Ezra pulled the covers back and felt his mouth go dry as he watched Ezra's perfectly shaped ass wiggle and jiggle as the Southerner crawled over to the other side of the bed. Vin might want to be held, but his body wanted to bury itself so deep inside that ass that they wouldn't be able to tell where one ended and the other began.
"Vin? Are you coming?" Ezra asked with a wicked twinkle in his bewitching cat eyes.
Vin knew that Ezra knew what his body wanted. What he was thinking. Hell, it was kinda hard to miss, but he figured if Ezra could handle it . . . then so could he.
Climbing under the covers Vin gasped then grinned as he heard Ezra hiss at the delicious friction caused by their bodies rubbing together.
"Very." The smell and feel of Ezra's body had Vin's body responding despite his best efforts to control it. "E z r a," he moaned as his lover rolled over on top of him.
"Vin would you . . . could I . . . hold you after we make love?" Ezra asked in an almost pleading tone.
"Y e s! Take me, Ezra!" The rest of what Vin was cut off as Ezra took his lips in a desperate kiss. "Take me now!" he pleaded into his ear as they came up for air. "Make us one!"
They had been separated for far too long and with their second kiss controls snapped. In a frenzy they touched, teased, and nipped at each other. Rubbing, grinding, and straining to get closer. Their joining was fast, yet gentle and full of love. Their release came quickly coating both their chests and stomachs. Their connection and love having been reaffirmed they now lay trembling and wrapped in each others's arms with legs and fingers intertwined.
Heartbeats returned to their normal rate and as reality returned words of love were exchanged as well as sweet gentle kisses.
"If we fall asleep like this we'll be stuck together forever," Vin said, but made no move to clean them up. He had never felt better. Had never felt so loved before.
"And that's bad because?"
Vin grinned as he felt Ezra's grin against his neck. "We wouldn't be able to make love . . ." He laughed as Ezra made a production of trying to pull away from him.
"Can't have that can we?" Ezra grinned at him then gave him a loud sloppy kiss before getting up and heading for the bathroom.
Rolling over onto his side, Vin scooted over so that he could watch Ezra's ass as he walked away. And as Ezra returned with a wash clothe Vin sighed, trying to decided which was better . . . watching his lover coming or going.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Never better," Vin confessed. He was also ready for that ass and with only a grin of warning he grabbed Ezra, jerked him off his feet and down onto the bed beside him. Vin quickly rolled over on top of him and said, "Now that the foreplay is over I think it's time to get down to some serious loving."
He then gave a squill as Ezra began tickling him. They wrestled and bounced all over the bed as Vin tried to capture those maddening fingers. Finally he managed to snare both wrists and pin them to the bed as he straddled Ezra's hips.
"You are a wicked man," Vin told him with a laugh.
"Me? Wicked?"
"Yes, you!" He sat up and pulled Ezra's still captured wrists with him. "And these," Vin said then kissed and licked each of Ezra's fingers. "These should be registered as lethal weapons . . ."
"My fingers?" Ezra repeated with a sexy grin. "Why?"
"Because they are capable of torturing a man . . ."
"Oh, and yours don't?" he countered. "Vin, have you ever felt the wonder to be found in the touch of your hands?"
Vin arched an eyebrow at him. "You asking if I've ever . . ."
"No!" Ezra laughed. "No, but you have no idea how delicious those rough yet gentle-to-the-touch hands feel as they glide across my skin."
Wanting to see how Ezra reacted to his touch Vin released his lover's hands. Then placed one finger at the base of Ezra's neck and ran it down his chest following the line of hair until it disappeared under where Vin sat. He saw those green eyes darken with pleasure and felt his lover tremble in reaction.
"Your silky soft fingers do the same to me," Vin leaned down and whispered in Ezra's ear then shivered as those same fingers caressed his back.
"Make love to me Vin," Ezra pleaded as he pulled him closer.
Instead of answering verbally, Vin licked the shell of Ezra's ear which never failed to make him shudder. He smiled against his lover's slender neck then began to work his way down the body beneath him, leaving a scattering of love bites in his wake.
Vin laid claim to every inch of Ezra's body. Making them both tremble with need. Pushing them closer to the edge. Vin reached for the lube then spread Ezra's legs and began to prepare him, using one, two, then three fingers to stretch and loosen him for their union. As always his breath caught in his throat at the feeling of oneness that enveloped him as he first breached Ezra's opening and entered Ezra's body. Looking into Ezra's face, Vin knew his lover felt the same way too.
Slowly he began to move, not wanting to rush things. Wanting to make it last. Lips met in a lingering sensual kiss that seemed to last forever. They were both nearing the edge and as much as they wanted to savior their connection their bodies had other plans and was soon driving them toward an explosive climax that seemed to come from somewhere deep within them.
Vin collapsed onto his lover and rolled them over so that Ezra was now on top. They both whimpered as their physical connection was broken, but both took comfort in the fact their soul connection could never be severed.
"God, I love you, Vin," Ezra mumbled, on the verge of sleep.
"Love ya, too, Ez," he whispered as he pulled him closer still. After a minute Vin felt around for the rag they'd used earlier, then eased them onto their sides and cleaned them both up. Tossing the clothe toward the bathroom Vin found his gaze held and captured by Ezra's sleeping face. He smiled and with a trembling hand he reached up and gently ran a finger across his lover's face. It never seized to amaze him how innocent Ezra looked while he slept.
Vin watched as those eyes blinked opened and tried to focus on him. "Sorry, love I didn't mean to wake you," he apologized. Reaching down Vin grabbed the covers and pulled them up over them.
"This is what I missed most," Ezra said as he snuggled deeper into Vin's embrace.
"What? Sleeping with me?"
"No, being near you . . ."
Vin felt tears sting his eyes at those words. "I missed that too, Ezra. Missed it more than anything." Closing his eyes, Vin felt himself drifting off to sleep content in the feel of Ezra's heart beating in time with his own. And in just being near him.
The End