House Rules: There aren't any. If you are here, it's because you have assured the webmaster that you are an adult, and so you either are one, or you are a munchkin who deliberately lied so shame on you - and I hope your parents find out, because if they complain to me, I will send them a copy of your age statement and then you will be in big trouble.

Who can link their stories here? Anyone who has written a Mag7 slash story, so long as your story does not involve real people (RPS) or underage characters (which includes non-human or supernatural beings who have the physical appearance of a child, regardless of their age). If it involves something that might squick some folks, like golden showers or S&M, you might want to include a little warning.

What about WIP's? Not a problem. Just make sure you mention that your work is still in progress when you submit your URL.

Are warnings mandatory? No. Little Muffy cannot click on a link somewhere and open this page, so anyone visiting here is an adult or a kid who has intentionally lied (which  means they have bigger issues than we can address).

Are pairings mandatory? Well, you won't be flogged with uncooked spaghetti if you ask that the pairing not be given, but normally, the pairing(s) will be listed beside your story link.

What if there is more than one pairing in my story? The more the merrier!

Can I have a story removed? If it's your story. If you just don't like it or the person who wrote it and want them and their fic to go away, though, you're out of luck, even though we feel your pain. If you suspect the fic was plagiarized, substantiate your claim and we might consider removing it, but you better be very convincing. (And remember that fan fic cannot be copyrighted, ever, nor can a writer lay claim to plot ideas, characterizations, names or titles. You may create a "closed universe" if you wish, but you cannot enforce the concept.)

Do you take links to stories rather than the story itself? Yup. Keep in mind that if you have submitted a story to be archived at blackraptor (that means it has a blackraptor URL <>) and then you post it on another website, the blackraptor URL will be used for this listing. The reason for that is that I know the link works, and that the story won't disappear without me knowing where it went.

What if I don't want my story linked here? Fine, be that way! Seriously, all you need to do is ask that it be removed (We don't need your fandom history and why you hate our archive, and you don't need to flame us for being inconsiderate morons, or anything else. Just ask.) Your request will be honored within 24 hours, probably sooner, since we don't enjoy pissing people off. Well, not usually, anyway.

Can I link directly to this page from my site? Only if an age statement is required to access your page. Otherwise, use this URL:

Who runs this archive, anyway? Nancy W. with a little help from her friends Calla, Gina and Joy (even though Joy has to cover her eyes).

Aren't there already Mag7 archives? A bunch of them. (Some even have the same name as others.) This one is the original archive for slash. The very first M7 slash stories ever written are listed here.

Is this your only M7 Archive? No. We also have the blackraptor Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction site, the blackraptor Adult M7 Fan Fiction site and the archive for the M7 "Little Britches" A/U. We are die-hard Magnificent Seven fans and we devote ourselves only to this fandom and no other, so we have the time and the motivation to keep our listings current. Links sent to us will usually be added within 1-3 days. Submitted stories will usually be posted in 2-5 days.

Aren't you worried about adult content? No, because we require an age statement to access this site, and children cannot merely click a few links and begin reading the stories listed here. Yeah, we take some flak for that, but, life goes on. Is it our job to protect other people's children? Of course it is - protecting children should be everyone's job. We don't consider it monitoring or censoring anyone - if you see that a child is about to run out into traffic, you don't stand by and do nothing because it's his parents' responsibility to keep him out of the street (well, maybe you do, but we won't). We care about what kids do on the internet and what they are exposed to, particularly when they may be exposed to it on our website. We don't have to care, we know, but we realistically recognize that many parents either don't have the technical know how to monitor their children's computer use, or, sadly, they can't be bothered. We feel that if we are going to put adult material on the 'net that we have a responsibility for doing all we can to ensure that only adults have access to it. We also respect the fact that some adult fiction writers do not want their work accessible to young readers. We know that a lot of folks don't agree with us, but, we aren't really too upset about that (okay, we aren't upset about it at all).

What do you do with those age statements? We have no hidden agenda and are not conspiring with the CIA to build a file on you (which is not to say they aren't doing that - we just aren't conspiring with them). They are kept for approximately three months and then they are deleted. We do not record your e-mail address or your name, and we never, ever, for any reason, make your request for access known to anyone - unless we hear from a parent asking why we sent their kid the URL to our adult site, in which case, mom and dad get a copy of the age statement and Muffy goes to bed without supper. (Do we feel bad about violating Muffy's confidentiality and trust? Uh... nope. Not a bit.)

What if I don't agree with your policies? Bummer. But keep in mind that how you run your own website is up to you and your conscience, and we will not refuse to link your stories because we don't like you or you don't like us, or we do things differently, so we hope you will send us your URLs to add, anyway. The only exception we will make is if you insist that we link to something other than your story (such as a home page or another archive), causing users to click on several links before they actually get to your fic. We are here to provide fic, not exposure for other websites. A reader should be able to click your link and start reading.

Can I make a suggestion? Sure, as long as it's not something Really Hard to Do. And even then, we might try it.

Your pages look goofy on my computer. Try holding down your CTRL+SHIFT key and then clicking your Reload or Refresh button. All blackraptor pages have been intentionally designed with no frills. They should work with PCs and Macs, using any browser, and should fit on any size monitor screen. There is no need to make any adjustments to your settings or do other Hard Stuff in order to view them. If you do find a page that is seriously screwed up, please let us know and if it has a blackraptor URL, we will fix it. (if it's on another site, you will have to speak to whoever owns that site).

How do I add my story to this listing? If your story is already on a webpage, send the URL, along with the Title, Author, Universe and Pairing (and any other pertinent info, such as whether it's a sequel, deathfic, crossover etc) to the addy below. If it's not on a web page, send the entire story and we'll put it on one for you.
(Yes, you have to cut-and-paste it - too many spam-bots out there fishing for e-mail addys!)

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